(305) 379-0001 Info@IUSAWater.com


The IUSA Smart Self Managed Metering System was created with the goal of making customer service processes more efficient by lowering financial and operative costs while giving the end users control over their usage and offering them more accessible forms of payment.

This system is patented internationally and operated by means of a multifunctional electronic meter, a two ways smart card, and soft¬ware that manages the process. It has a two-way user-development communication, which allows the client (warehouses, marinas, and multi-family developments, etc.) to obtain statistics on frequency of use, usage, and other technical information that is useful for both the end user and the development. The end user will be able to see on the meter what their consumption has been to date and know first hand the amount that is due for their water consumption. Using the IUSA Self managed metering system eliminates the need for the client to process and mail out a bill, thereby providing additional cost savings.


One of its advantages is that it can operate in pre-payment or post-payment mode and it is easy to manage given that both modes are configured using the smart card.


In prepayment mode, the meter informs the user by means of a visual alarm (a blinking led), that the balance is running low. The user would then go to the nearest point of sale with his card to purchase the desired water credit. Points of sale can be located on premises and in areas near users with convenient business hours. The user can also choose to recharge his smart card through the Internet, by means of a card reader (sold separately). Once the balance has been credited to the card, the user can set it on top of the meter and transfer the balance to the meter thereby allowing for the water flow to begin.


In post-payment mode, once the client preset consumption cycle ends, the user must place the smart card on top of the meter to record the water usage to date. The meter will display the usage of the past month in m³ and the amount due in dollars. The user will then need to take the smart card to a point of sale to pay the cost of his water consumption usage. The user may also make the payment through Internet using a card reader (sold separately). Once the payment has been made the user must return to the meter and place the smart card on it to transfer the credit of payment and avoid suspension of service.