(305) 379-0001 Info@IUSAWater.com

Stellum-MAPP-FLU-1/2 x 3/4



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Residential cold water meter:

Stellum-MAPP – FLU 1/2 x 3/4

** CONFIDENTIAL Information** Propriety by IUSA S.A. DE C.V. **

Prohibited reproduction or disclosure without authorization in writing.

1. Features

  • High precision that allows the registration of the small flows.
  • Measurement by fluidic oscillator.
  • Check valve.
  • Post-payment mode.
  • Inner valve for the opening or closing the water flow.
    • Limited service in the presence of debt
    • Opening of the service to pay off outstanding debts
  • Smart Card for the transfer of information between the meter and the management software.
  • BLE technology (Bluetooth Low Energy) for the transfer of information between the meter and management software.
  • FCC Certified WAP2005
  • Liquid crystal display screen (LCD) to display indicators
    • Total consumption
    • Monthly consumption
    • Debts
    • Cut off Dates
    • Date and time
    • Flow
    • Battery status
  • Led indicator.
  • Alarm with LCD and / or LED
    • Payment Due
    • Unauthorized access to the inside of the meter
  • Corrosion-resistant materials (engineering plastic).
  • Comply standard AWWA C713-10.
  • Date and time of past events.
  • Ability to retain information even without power
  • Lithium Battery with approximate duration of 5 years.
  • The meter should be installed away from sources of heat.
  • The meter should be installed with the arrow pointing to the direction of the water flow.
  • Ensure that the pipe is securely fixed to avoid vibration.
  • Note: The final product has 2 options for the data plate: one in a normal position and the other in an inverted way, this at request of our clients.


2. Technical features


3. Testing recommendations

For hydrostatic pressure test: The plug should be placed at the outlet of the meter to avoid damage the check valve.


4. Mechanical dimensions